FERIZ OMAR (1971-20??)
Monday, June 25, 2012
1. Ramai Melayu, terutamanya wanita hari ini sangat suka bercerita dan menafsirkan mimpi.
2. Dari Al-Hafiz Abu Hassan Din : Mimpi itu adalah permainan tidur. Surah Yusoff ayat 4 dan 5 dengan jelas mengingatkan kita bahawa percaya kepada mimpi itu mampu menghancurkan kehidupan manusia.
3. Malah mimpi bertemu Rasulullah saw juga boleh mengelirukan sekalipun satu-satunya manusia yang Syaitan tidak boleh menyerupai adalah Rasulullah saw.
4. Namun jika mimpi bertemu Rasulullah saw pun, tiada siapa hari ini yang tahu rupa wajah Rasulullah saw sebenar.
5. Oleh itu, hiduplah tanpa bersangka-sangka. Teruskanlah kehidupan dengan aqidah positif, ibadah dan amalan melimpah ruah dan ketabahan tinggi dalam menghadapi cabaran hidup ~ F OMAR
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Mohon sampaikan salam, ampun dan maaf saya kepada semua. Doakan agar ruh saya dipeliharaNya sehingga ke syurga ... Kepada Mu Ku Berserah, Ya Allah - FO
Raheem, Kareemun, 'Adheem, 'Aleemun,
Haleem, Hakeemun, Mateen
(Merciful, Generous, Incomparably Great, All-Knowing
Forbearing, Wise, Firm)
Mannaan, Rahmaanun, Fattaah, Ghaffaarun
Tawwaab, Razzaaqun, Shaheed
(Bestower of blessings, Most Compassionate, Opener, Forgiver
Accepter of Repentance, Provider, Witness)
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad
Ya Muslimeen sallou 'alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Family of Muhammad
O Muslims, send salutations upon him)
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu'mineen sallou 'alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Companions of Muhammad
O believers, send salutations upon him)
Lateef, Khabeerun, Samee', Baseerun
Jaleel, Raqeebun, Mujeeb
(Gentle, All-Aware, All-Hearing, All-Seeing
Majestic, Watchful, Responsive)
Ghafur, Shakourun, Wadud, Qayyumun
Ra'uf, Saburun, Majeed
(Forgiving, Appreciative, Loving, Self-Existing by Whom all subsist
Most Kind, Patient, Most Glorious)
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/s/sami_yusuf/asma_allah.html ]
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad
Ya Muslimeen sallou 'alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Family of Muhammad
O Muslims, send salutations upon him)
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu'mineen sallou 'alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Companions of Muhammad
O believers, send salutations upon him)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
La Ilaaha Illahu, Al Malikul Quddoos
(God is Greater, God is Greater
There is no god but Him, the King, the Most Holy)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Rahmanu irham dha'fana
(O Most Compassionate! Have compassion on our weakness)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Ghaffaaru ighfir thunoubana
(O Forgiver! Forgive our sins)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Sattaaru ostour 'ouyoubana
(O Concealer! Conceal our defects)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Mu'izzu a'izza ummatana
(O Bestower of honour! Bestow honour on our Ummah)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Mujeebu ajib duýaa'ana
(O Responsive One! Answer our prayers)
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Lateefu oltof binaa (x3)
(O Gentle One! Show gentleness to us)
Oltof binaa
(Show gentleness to us)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
It took a while for me to write on this since the first time I read about it back in 1980s. Even though I ended up not furthering science after high school, my exploratory interest continue ever since.
'Nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.
Discovering this, the world's economy is only seen on the surface and most techno-preneurs missed the fact that there are more activities to invest in at the bottom.
The more time and thoughts spent at the bottom, the better quality of end products we deliver at tail end.
Let's discover more on this and continue at where other have stopped !
It took a while for me to write on this since the first time I read about it back in 1980s. Even though I ended up not furthering science after high school, my exploratory interest continue ever since.
'Nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.
Discovering this, the world's economy is only seen on the surface and most techno-preneurs missed the fact that there are more activities to invest in at the bottom.
The more time and thoughts spent at the bottom, the better quality of end products we deliver at tail end.
Let's discover more on this and continue at where other have stopped !
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
MELAYU : Setelah lama berkarya dan meluahkan pendapat serta pengalaman melalui Facebook and Blogspot, Facebook telah memperkenalkan 'Facebook Timeline', satu evolusi luarbiasa yang mempunyai ciri-ciri yang lebih hebat dari Blogspot. Memandangkan pelbagai kelebihan Facebook seperti kemampuan untuk muat-naik gambar yang banyak dan masa yang singkat, kemudahan untuk 'tag' rakan-rakan, kemudahan memberi komen dengan mudah, forum FB Group dan banyak lagi, saya telah membuat keputusan untuk berhenti sebagai Blogger dan berhijrah sepenuhnya ke Facebook Timeline.
Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pembaca dan rakan-rakan yang mengikuti www.ferizomar.blogspot.com.
Mulai hari ini, ikuti saya di FB Feriz Omar, FB Feriz Omar II, FB Feriz-Noor Omar dan FB Feriz Noor Omar II.
Terimakasih. Salam persahabatan, sayang dan perjuangan.
ENGLISH : After I have been writing for a long time expressing my views and experience via Facebook and Blogspot, Facebook has now introduced 'Facebook Timeline', an extraordinary super power evolution of social network infrastructure that have enhanced characteristics of a Blogspot. In view of the advantages to upload a number of pictures within a short time, ability to 'tag' friends, facility to comment, forum FB Group features and many more, I have made my decision to stop blogging and shift fully to Facebook Timeline.
I wish to thank you all for following me on www.ferizomar.blogspot.com.
From today onwards, please follow me at FB Feriz Omar, FB Feriz Omar II, FB Feriz-Noor Omar dan FB Feriz Noor Omar II.
Thank you. For Friendship, love and course.

Saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pembaca dan rakan-rakan yang mengikuti www.ferizomar.blogspot.com.
Mulai hari ini, ikuti saya di FB Feriz Omar, FB Feriz Omar II, FB Feriz-Noor Omar dan FB Feriz Noor Omar II.
Terimakasih. Salam persahabatan, sayang dan perjuangan.
ENGLISH : After I have been writing for a long time expressing my views and experience via Facebook and Blogspot, Facebook has now introduced 'Facebook Timeline', an extraordinary super power evolution of social network infrastructure that have enhanced characteristics of a Blogspot. In view of the advantages to upload a number of pictures within a short time, ability to 'tag' friends, facility to comment, forum FB Group features and many more, I have made my decision to stop blogging and shift fully to Facebook Timeline.
I wish to thank you all for following me on www.ferizomar.blogspot.com.
From today onwards, please follow me at FB Feriz Omar, FB Feriz Omar II, FB Feriz-Noor Omar dan FB Feriz Noor Omar II.
Thank you. For Friendship, love and course.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Di tengah-tengah komuniti miskin tegar ini, ada benih yang bijak dengan PMR 8A. Semoga Allah swt memberi petunjuk yang baik kepada yang lain, insyaAllah !
37 FOTO BUKTI SESETENGAH PEMIMPIN YG GILA ‘GLAMOUR’ & BUAT-BUAT TAK NAMPAK BAHAWA MASIH ADA MELAYU DI MALAYSIA YANG MASIH DAIF … http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.170338249675579.33489.100000982161032&type=1
Gerakan Menuntut Perubahan (GMP) amat kesal dengan sikap sesetengah pemimpin yg sibuk ingin ke GAZA ikut jalan laut (walhal ada jalan darat). Allah swt juga menilai keikhlasan, sampai hajat ataupun tidak. Baru-baru ini ada yg sibuk ke Somalia, tanpa persiapan keselamatan rapi. Mereka ini semua buat-buat tak nampak bahawa masih ada Melayu yang kebulur dan daif akibat miskin urban ! Saya terasa sebak tatakala mengunjungi 3 keluarga semasa lawatan ke Pasir Gudang petang tadi.
(1) Keluarga yg hidup dgn sisa makanan manusia.
(2) Seorg ibu tunggal dgn anak lelaki dewasa yg 'down syndrome'.
(3) Keluarga dgn 5 org ahli yg kurang siuman.
By: Feriz Omar
By: Feriz Omar

(Video Kenangan di http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cx5ZBWxXwc)

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